
How to form the PRESENT perfect tense?

has/have + past participle LEARN ABOUT PAST PARTICIPLE
For example:
  1. He has eaten his breakfast. 
  2. She has studied for the test.
  3. have taken the book.
  4. We have hidden the treasure.

How do we use the present perfect tense?
1. We use the present perfect tense to talk about an event which has happened in the past but we are not interested in the time in which it happened.

 He has eaten his breakfast. (present perfect tense - the time is not stated) 
 He ate his breakfast at 8.30 a.m. (past tense - the time is stated)

 She has studied for the test. (present perfect tense - the time is not stated)
 She studied for the test last night. (past tense - the time is stated)

2. We can use the present perfect tense to talk about experience from the past

3. So, in answering your question, we can write, "We have also taken photographs there." (using the present perfect tense)

4. Alternatively, we can also write, "We took photographs there." (using the past tense)

5. Question: Why not, "We had also taken photographs there." ? Please read more.

How to form the PAST perfect tense?

had + past participle 

How do we use the present perfect tense?
We use the past perfect tense to talk about two(2) relating events which have happened in the past. By using the past perfect tense, we can emphasise which of the two events happened first.

Event 1 : He ate his breakfast.
Event 2 : The bell rang. 

In these two sentences, we don't know which event happened first.

Read the following sentence,
 He had eaten his breakfast when the bell rang. 

  • From this sentence, we know that Event 1 happened first followed by Event 2. 
  • Both events have already taken place in the past.
  • Event 1 is written in the past perfect tense because it happened first.
  • Event 2 is written in the past tense because it came next.

More examples:

1. When the car exploded, she had already gotten out from the car.
Event 1: She had already gotten out from the car. (written in the past perfect tense because it happened first)
Event 2: The car exploded. (written in the past tense because it happened later than Event 1)

2. They had slept when a burglar broke into their house.
Event 1: They had slept. (written in the past perfect tense because it happened first)
Event 2: A burglar broke into their house. (written in the past tense because it happened later than Event 1)

So in my humble opinion,why not 'we had also taken photograps there?' i guess it not proper to use the past perfect in this situation  unless

We had also taken photographs when suddenly it rain heavily OR
We had also taken photographs when the camera was out of battery OR
We had also taken photographs hen my mother called for the lunch

Keep on learning!



Adjectives-word order : When there are two or more adjective before a noun there are some complicated 'rules' for the order in which they should appear.

these are more important:

fact adjectives appear as follows: size - age - colour - origin - material

Here are some examples:

a silly old man (an old silly man )

a beautiful blue butterfly (a blue beautiful butterfly )

an interesting historical film (a historical interesting film)

a huge metal box (a metal huge box )

a new red dress (a red new dress )

little Russian dolls (Russian little dolls )

You will need to consult a good reference grammar for full details on the order of adjectives, and how they should be punctuated.

Adjectives: -ed or -ing? English contains numerous -ed or -ing adjective pairs derived from verbs. To avoid mixing these up, remember that the -edadjectives are used to describe how you feel, and the -ing adjectives are used for what it is that makes you feel that way.

Here are some examples:

I feel tired. - Working in the garden all day is very tiring.

I am bored. - This grammar lesson is boring.

She was disappointed. - Her math test score was disappointing.

I'm interested in Ancient Egypt. - I think Ancient Egypt is interesting.

He was shocked. - He found your behaviour shocking.

I'm very confused by this film. - This film is very confusing.

Adjective or adverb? In English most (but not all) adverbs have a different form (spelling) than their corresponding adjective. It is important, therefore, that you know whether you need an adjective or an adverb in the sentences you want to say or write. Generally, adjectives are used to describe nouns and adverbs are used with verbs to say how things are done.
In the following examples, the adjectives are red and the adverbs are blue:

He's a beautiful singer. - He sings beautifully.

She's a very quick runner. - She can run very quickly.

He's a careless writer. - He writes carelessly.

She's a good worker. - She works well.

Adverbs are also used to give extra information about adjectives (or other adverbs), as in the following examples:

I am extremely happy in my new job.

She's in hospital with a seriously injured neck.

It's incredibly easy to make a mistake when knitting.

The girl climbed dangerously high up the tree.

Because of the thick fog I drove extremely carefully.

After certain verbs (e.g. be, become, seem, look, taste, smell, etc.) the adjective, not the adverb, is used:

She doesn't seem happy today.

Don't be stupid!

This meat tastes bad.

Those flowers smell strange.

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