Monday 4 March 2013

An history? why?

Everyone who knows even a little bit of English should know that the article 'a' is used before words that do not start with a vowel.

For example: a loaf of bread.
However, when the word starts with a vowel (a, e, i, o or u), the article 'a' becomes 'an'.

For example: an apple.

Simple, is it not?

Well, no. English can never be this simple. There are always exceptions to the rules. Always.

So for words that do start with a vowel but somehow pronounced like they start with a consonant(letters which are not vowels) , the article used is 'a'.

For example: a uniform

Because uniform is pronounced you-nee-form.

How about words that start with a consonant, but the consonant is silent? Like that of the word 'hour'.

In this case, we use 'an' instead of 'a'.

For example: an hour.

So these are the rules and exceptions that determine the usage of a and an in English.

If I were to ask you, which article would you use for the word 'history'?

According to what we just learnt, it should be 'a', right? As in, 'a history'.

But why, oh why do we still see people use 'an history' in writings?

I am aware of the fact that people used to write it that way. The keywords here are 'used to'. Not 'we still do' but 'used to'. When old people write 'an history', I am probably okay with that but when people who are just as young as I am write 'an history', that is just being pretentious.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Oh My Word!

what is up peeps! well this is the first time of my 'blogging enigma'. i dont even know where to start...ahahah....well actually i was forced to do this you know.... after class i start googling what is blog, how to create a blog, and even searching what should i write in this
blog....braahhh....finally i came across my husband...yea he is a tech-ie he should know how to play and mingling with this kind of stuff. oh by the way the word 'tech-ie' is a jargon or terms meaning a technology geek or nerd in other way.ahahaha...

well after all of the 'strategies' went to the drain, he finally agreed to help. so here is my first step to blogging. yay!!

tomorrow he will be teaching me how to insert pictures and videos. i can't wait for it!!

so here we part and we shall meet again tomorrow.

good night guys and thanks for reading. tee hee.....